Codes of Conduct.
It’s important that we all play our part in creating a fun, safe and inclusive environment for all of our players. That's why we have Codes of Conducts in place to ensure that everyone involved within the club is playing their part to give players a positive experience.
Our Codes are in line with FA's Respect Campaign- We Only Do Positive, the campaign highlights the importance of positive behaviour towards young footballers, specifically looking at the impact parents and coaches can have.
Failure to comply with our Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary action or expulsion from the club. Please keep reading for more info.
Codes of Conduct:
You can also check out our safeguarding policy here:
Code of Conduct
We’ve put together some codes of conduct that parents MUST follow. These guidelines have been proven to encourage positive parental involvement.
As a parent/guardian of a player at the club, I agree to
Do my best to make football & sports fun for my child. I will always support the coaches and officials to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all
Place the emotional and physical well-being of my child above my personal desire to win.
Lead by example by exhibiting good sportsmanship, providing encouragement to my child & refrain from making negative comments if my child makes a mistake
NOT be a side line coach or referee​
Work with my child’s coach to deescalate behaviour related problems that repeatedly disrupts practice and/or games
Treat coaches, players, club officials and fans with respect, regardless of their race, sex, age, religion, ability
Refrain from the use of foul or offensive language and I will not engage in physical or verbal confrontations with players, coaches, officials or spectators
Respect the coaches’ right to coach. I will not interference during the training sessions or matches. If I have a concern, I will wait for the appropriate time to discuss with the coach
I understand that only the coaches, registered players and approved volunteers are allowed on the field during training sessions, matches, and league events. Parents & Guardians are encouraged to attend all practices, games and league events, but must observe from an area designated for spectators.
Be gracious in victory and dignified in defeat
I understand that failure to abide by the clubs code of conduct may result in a verbal warning, a formal discussion with the clubs committee, and even expulsion from the club.
Did You know?
Research has shown that 9 in 10 children play better with positive encouragement. Check out our Parent Guides for tips & tricks on how to improve your sporting parent style.
Code of Conduct
We all have a responsibility to promote high standards of behaviour in the game. As a player, you have a big part to play. All players MUST follow the clubs Code of Conduct, failure to do so will result in action
As a player at the club, I agree to​-​​
Always play to the best of my ability by giving maximum effort & setting a good example to other team members
Always respect my team members, club officials, coaches. volunteers, the opposing team, the referee and spectators
Be respectful to all match officials and accept decisions given
Always listen and respond to what my coach tells me
Talk to someone I trust or the Club Welfare Officer if I’m unhappy about anything at my club
Do my best to be on time for all training sessions, matches & league events​
Play fairly – not cheat, complain or waste time​
Play by the rules, as directed by the referee
Shake hands with the other team and referee at the end of the game​​
Treat all club equipment & kits with respect and care
Inform my coach in good time if I'm not available for a match or training session
I understand that failure to abide by the clubs code of conduct may result in being required to apologise to my team-mates, the other team, referee or team manager, a verbal warning, a formal discussion with the clubs committee, suspension from training sessions & matches and even expulsion from the club
Code of Conduct
Coaches are key to the establishment of good ethics in football. Their concept of ethics and their attitude directly affects the behaviour of players under their supervision. Coaches are, therefore, expected to pay particular care to the moral aspect of their conduct.
On and off the pitch our coaches will-
• Use their position to set a positive example for the young people they're responsible for
• Show respect to others involved in the game including match officials, opposition players, coaches, managers, officials and spectators
• Adhere to the laws and spirit of the game
• Promote Fair Play and high standards of behaviour
• Respect the match official’s decision
• Never enter the field of play without the referee’s permission
• Never engage in, or tolerate, offensive, insulting or abusive language or behaviour
• Be gracious in victory and defeat.
When working with players our coaches will-
• Place the well-being, safety and enjoyment of each player above everything, including winning
• Never engage in or tolerate any form of bullying
• Encourage each player to accept responsibility for their own behaviour and performance
• Ensure all activities organised are appropriate for the players’ ability level, age and maturity
• Co-operate fully with others in football (e.g. officials, doctors, physiotherapists, welfare officers) for each player’s best interests
Our Coaches understand that if they do not follow the clubs code of conduct, any/all of the following actions may be taken by the club, County FA or The FA: Coaches maybe required to meet with the club, league or County Welfare Officer , suspended by the club from attending matches, suspended or fined by the County FA , required to leave or their employment maybe ended by the the club, in addition, a coaches coaching licence may be withdrawn.